27. October 2020 · Comments Off on Adios Hurricane Zeta · Categories: Beach Reads The Blog · Tags: , ,

Good morning from Puerto Morelos! We are waking up to a post-Zeta morning in your favourite town in the Caribbean.

It was a long night. Our electricity quit at about 7:00, in the middle of dinner I might add, and just came back this morning at 8:00. Most of Puerto Morelos and all of Cancun that I heard from kept their electricity and internet all night.

It looks like we weathered the storm in typical Puerto Morelos fashion. There are some tree branches down and some green debris, but overall your town is fine.

I made a quick trip down to the beach and was amazed that everything looked intact. Ironically, after a storm the beach is always at its most beautiful. The sand has certainly been rearranged!

The town pier appears to be intact but definitely suffered some more damage. It was hurt by Delta too.

This photo by the early-rising Marco Gomez of I Wanna Pizza

Now it’s time for coffee and then we grab a broom. We’re relieved to be on the other side of this thing and we have definitely had enough of hurricane season 2020.

Hope to see you in Puerto Morelos soon! Please remember to check out our vacation rentals at our brand new site, www.VacationRentalsPM.com
Find all the town info you could want at our constantly-updated www.InPuertoMorelos.com site. Saludos!