Here are the cash exchange rates for July 31, 2020 at CI Banco on the highway in Puerto Morelos.
I post these rates on occasion so that you can compare them with what your bank or the ATM may offer. To see where the rates have been in the last couple of years, search “exchange rates” on our page at
Cash Exchange Rates | Buy | Sell |
US Dollar $ | 20.70 | 22.15 |
Canadian Dollar $ | 15.20 | 16.80 |
Euro € | 24.65 | 26.30 |
Pound Sterling £ | 27.25 | 29.00 |
Notably, the rates at G Capital in Aki Plaza are not as good. Their rates on the US dollar are 20.70, Canadian is 14.00, Euro 22.50 and GBP 23.80

2020 has been an unusual and challenging year for all of us. We here at are no exception.
You may be wondering what happened to the “2020 Best In Puerto Morelos Survey”. Shortly after we launched the survey, our website was hacked! It took until just a few days ago to get the site back up and running and to get our website cleared to be promoted again on social media (Facebook and Instagram blacklists your site if you are hacked for a period of time.)
Now that we have all of this behind us, we are reopening the “2020 Best In Puerto Morelos Survey”. It is short and easy to fill out and we want to know your opinions on Puerto Morelos. You have one week to complete it. The deadline is Friday, April 24th. Don’t worry, if you have already completed the survey, we still have your results and they will be tallied in the final count.
Please note: One survey per person, please. No stuffing the ballot box!
If you have problems viewing the Best Survey please click here. It is best viewed in Chrome.
We’re sorry for the inconvenience and the delay. We look forward to sharing the results with you. In the meantime, be sure to watch our Facebook feed for pictures of your favourite beach town, we’re posting almost daily! Please “like” our various pages on Facebook and follow us on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing.
InPuertoMorelos Facebook Page
Casa de los Viajeros Facebook Page
Casa de los Viajeros Instagram
Stay home and stay healthy. You’ll reach the beach again soon.
Don’t miss the Best Survey Results
Here are the cash exchange rates for March 25,
Cash Exchange Rates | Buy | Sell |
US Dollar $ | 18.10 | 19.30 |
Canadian Dollar $ | 13.30 | 14.55 |
Euro € | 20.65 | 21.95 |
Pound Sterling £ | 24.30 | 25.70 |

Here are the cash exchange rates for January 26, 2018 at CI Banco in Puerto Morelos. I post these rates on occasion so that you can compare these rates with the rate your bank or the ATM may offer. To see where the rates have been in the last couple of years, search “exchange rates” on our page at
Here are the cash exchange rates for January 11, 2018 at CI Banco in Puerto Morelos and for comparison, the cambio on the square in Puerto Morelos.
Note that when you are exchanging cash in Puerto Morelos, you are “selling” your foreign money to them, so at CI Banco, you are concerned with the “buy” rate, that is the amount of pesos they will give you for each dollar. So if you are “selling” $100 US dollars, CI Banco will give you $1810 pesos. The cambio on the square will give you $1760. For Canadians, you will get $1460 versus $1400 in town. You can see that for larger amounts of cash, it is in your best interest to go to the bank. You will easily pay for the taxi ride.
I post these rates on occasion so that you can compare these rates with the rate your bank or the ATM may offer. To see where the rates have been in the last couple of years, search “exchange rates” on our page at
You will find lots of other town information there including an interactive map and a very up-to-date restaurant list. (No small feat in Puerto Morelos)
Also check out our rental accommodations at Casa De Los Viajeros
We have a few dates still available in January for a last minute getaway!
The beach at Puerto Morelos, Mexico today!
For more town information, please see our site at or check out our places to stay at
So you’re thinking about coming to Puerto Morelos, Boo Ya! Once you have booked your accommodations, your next question will most likely be, “Which airport do I fly into?” Yes, we do get this question often. The answer is Cancun International (CUN). So we have put together some tips and hints on how to navigate the somewhat hairy Cancun airport when you arrive.
The next question usually is, “How do we get to Puerto Morelos once we arrive?”
We have gone ahead and made up a page that we will leave up on our website that gives you all the facts you need to know to get you here fast and hassle free. Just click on Airport Arrivals and read on.
This was four years ago today in Puerto Morelos. A spectacular palapa fire at Panza Es Primera restaurant on the beach, just south of the square. The fire grew quickly, and there were fears that it would spread to the fish restaurant next door or damage the shops across the street. The fire was contained to the one restaurant and it re-opened a few months later. Now it is still open, but under a new name.
Get our low summer rates in April! We have some openings in our calendar that you would look great in!
Suite #1 (1 or 2 bedroom / bath) open April 9-29