17. December 2019 · Comments Off on Croco Cun Zoo Discount · Categories: Beach Reads The Blog · Tags:

We are excited to announce a new partnership between InPuertoMorelos.com and Croco Cun Zoo! This means savings for you on your next visit to the park.

Did you know that Puerto Morelos has it’s very zoo? And this is not your typical zoo, it is an interactive zoo.

When you visit the park, you and your party are matched up with a knowledgable, English-speaking guide who takes you through the area, introducing you to the animals that live here in the Yucatan.

You get a very close-up and very personal look at the critters that are normally out of sight. All of the guides are professionally trained and graduates of either zoology or veterinary programs.

Not only is Croco Cun a zoo, but it is also a rehabilitation and breeding centre for the animals of our area.

The zoo is home to more than 200 crocodiles. The animals that live in the park are all ones that are unable to live in the wild or on their own for various reasons.

We here at InPuertoMorelos.com have started a partnership with Croco Cun Zoo so that we can bring you a special discount the next time you visit the park. Just show this coupon, either off your phone or printed when buying your tickets at the park or use the promo code InPuertoMorelos.com when buying online. Everyone in your party will receive a 10% discount off the entrance fee.

Take a walk on the wild side and learn a little more about the animals in our area. Croco Cun Zoo is open EVERY DAY from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, even Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. For more information click here.

If you would like to offer our readers a discount at your business, please contact us.

SPECIAL NOTE: Croco Cunย is also looking for help to feed the animals while they remain closed due to Covid-19. They ask that you help byย buying tickets in advanceย orย donating directly.