Hola from Puerto Morelos!
Just a quick update from your favourite Mexican village on the Caribbean in Mexico.
As we told you almost a month ago, the beach in Puerto Morelos is open again. We remain in “yellow” status, which allows the beach to be open and most businesses open to 60% capacity. In order to enter any business or public place, you need to be wearing a mask, and most places will take your temperature (with a non-contact thermometer) and give you some gel to clean your hands. We’re all fairly used to these precautions by now and most of us are following the rules so that we can all be safe.

The square on the port side of town remains under construction. They are working on it every day and they have made some progress, but it does seem to be moving rather slowly. We’re all impatient to get our square back.
The José Morelos bust, which was a part of the portside square, has been given a new home in the Colonia square. There was a short dedication on Wednesday. The bust is of José María Morelos who the town was named after. He was a hero of the 1810 Mexican War of Independence and a fascinating individual. He was a priest and man of the people, but also a very skilled general, who took over leadership of the war after Miguel Hidalgo was executed. You may also know him as the face on the 50 peso bill. For more information on his fascinating life, please click here.

Most restaurants in town are open again, and we even have a few new ones. Lobster House just opened on the square where La Casa del Pescador was, above the Fish Co-op. Lobster is on the menu naturally, as well as fish, steak, pasta, tacos, tostadas, ceviche and even a burger. The owners are the same folks behind the popular La Cabaña del Puerto in the Colonia.
A new cafe is on the way in the Colonia. It’s not open yet, I think their opening was delayed by the COVID shutdown, but it appears they will be open soon. It’s a very big space and even has a large outdoor garden area behind. The cafe is called Elefantitos Rosas, and it looks really beautiful. For now, you can visit them on Facebook and on the web. Once they open, you will find them one block east of the square in the Colonia.
For all the latest on the ever-changing Puerto Morelos restaurant scene, check the PM Restaurant Guide on our InPuertoMorelos website.
We were all happy to see Don Mexkal open again! They had a big Independence Day party to celebrate. Also, opening again recently was Cantina Habanero.
During the early days of the COVID shutdown in Puerto Morelos, we were not allowed out of our houses unless we were going to the grocery store, which was pretty much the only place open. As a result, many of us made too many grocery trips, plus rediscovered baking cake and bread. Now that we are free again, some of us are rediscovering cycling to lose some of those quarantine kilos.
Overall, Puerto Morelos is a pretty good place to cycle. There are not too many roads and almost no hills of any consequence. There are a few hazards, like potholes, unmarked speed bumps and speedy taxis, but seeing PM from a bike has been rewarding and has helped me to get to know my town even better. An added bonus is that if you get a little too hot or too tired, there are many places to grab a coffee or cool drink. You can also grab some cake! There are lots of places to rent bikes locally, so consider a bike adventure as part of your next trip to Puerto Morelos.
We hope you are making plans to come to see us again soon. All the major Canadian airlines are now offering free COVID insurance. Here are more details about Westjet’s offer, but Air Canada and Air Transat are also offering coverage.
Photo tour of Puerto Morelos. Here are some random photos from around town…
Thanks for reading. Be sure to check our website often for updates and reliable information about Puerto Morelos. Check out our constantly updated Facebook Page, Instagram Page, Twitter Page and our Vacation Rental Page too. Saludos!